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1001 Ways To Promote Blog Facebook And Twitter With Automatic

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If you are a blogger, you'll find a lot of traffic to your blog. One way is the promotion to Facebook and Twitter. Facebook and Twitter have many advantages for use as a great place to promote your blog.

Facebook and Twitter have Page Range are very high. So it mandatory for you as a blogger to promote your blog.To promote the blog can be done by hand and also with the automatic. So how the automatic promotion?

You do this by listing on several web and use the software.Here are some buttons that are used to promote your blog to Facebook and Twitter.

Register at some websites : 
This is the most effective way to promote your blog to Facebook and Twitter. It's free, also easy to use. After posting your blog, within 1 minute of your blog have been installed on Facebook and Twitter.
  • FeedBurner : FeedBurner is a service owned by Google. Free, Short link using Goo.gl, but Feedburner can only be used on Twitter.  You can register at Feedburner.com
  • Ping.fm : Ping.fm is a free service that can be used to promote the social networking. It also can be used to auto post to your blog. But the service is very limited. You can only do the udate post once for one day.  Please sign up at ping.fm
  • NetworkBlogs :  This is a Facebook application that is used to publish your blog to Facebook. This application can only be used on Facebook. You can also create a widget follower through Blognetworks
  • RSS Graffiti The service is similar to BlogNetworks. This application is only used on Facebook.
  • Twitterfeed : This service is one of the best for promotion blog to Facebook and Twitter. And you should use this application.
Actually there are many other applications like this. But some applications are already more than enough for auto promotion of your blog to facebook Twitter.

Button Share :
One of the best ways to promote your blog to Facebook and Twitter is to install the Share button on your blog.
  • ShareThis.com :Provider of free share button that can be mounted on your blog.
  • AddThis : Is one of the applications share a very popular button. The design is also attractive.
  • AddtoAny.comThis is the kind of service addthis.com. Nothing wrong if you try it.
  • Wibiya.com :This is the service share a highly interactive button. There are many choices of interesting features. In addition to Facebook share button, Twitter, etc. youtobe there is also a feature to chat.
And many more. You know the applications of this kind of service? Please let us know in the comment box below.

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2 Responses so far.

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  2. Thanks for your valuable posting, it was very informative. Am working in webdesign company in chennai .

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